Na inicijativu profesora GLOBE voditelja Prirodoslovne i grafičke škole Rijeka upućena je zamolba YLACES, organizaciji za promicanje znanstvene, eksperimentalne i prirodoslovne edukacije učenika (Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists) za donaciju vremenske postaje SŠ Petrinja i Prirodoslovnoj i grafičkoj školi Rijeka
Organizacija YLACES je već pružila financijsku potporu našoj školi na projektima:
- Aerosoli u Europi (2014.-2016.)
- Određivanje prisutnosti teških metala u zraku korištenjem GLOBE protokola
za aerosole, vodljivost i pH, koji je izabran za GLE u Estes Parku, Colorado (2016.) - Koga vole komarci (2018)
Zamolba je odobrena i dvije škole, Prirodoslovna i grafička škola Rijeka i Srednja škola Petrinja dobile su nove automatske vremenske postaje od donatorske organizacije YLACES. Vjerujemo da će novi uređaj pomoći u obnovi škole u Petrinji, koja je stradala u potresu.
Novi uređaji će se koristiti za projekt „Povratak na otvoreno“ kojeg su s učenicima GLOBE pripremili mr. sc. Marina Pavlić i dipl. ing. Jasmin Poljak. Rad s novim vremenskim stanicama će pomoći učenicima da steknu iskustvo s eksperimentalnim i znanstvenim načinom rada i razmišljanja. Zahvaljujemo se našim učenicima na predanom radu i donatoru Ylaces na još jednoj velikodušnoj donaciji.
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YLACES is once again supporting young scientists
At the initiative of GLOBE teachers from the School of Natural Sciences and Graphics in Rijeka, a request was sent to YLACES, an organization for the promotion of scientific, experimental and natural science education of students (Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists) for a donation to the weather station to the School of Natural Sciences and Graphics Rijeka and the High School of Petrinja
YLACES has already provided financial support to our school on projects:
- Aerosols in Europe 2014.-2016.
- Determining the presence of heavy metals in the air by using GLOBE protocols for aerosols, conductivity and pH, was elected for GLE in Estes Park, Colorado (2016)
- Who do mosquitoes like(2018)
The request was approved and two schools, the School of Natural Sciences and Graphics of Rijeka and the High School of Petrinja received new automatic weather stations from the donor organization YLACES. We believe that the new instruments will help rebuild the school in Petrinja, which was devasted in the earthquake.
The new devices will be used for the project “Return to outdoor life”, which was prepared with GLOBE students by Mr. Sc. Marina Pavlić and M.Sc. Jasmin Poljak, M.Sc. Working with new weather stations will help students gain experience with experimental and scientific ways of working and thinking. We thank our students for their dedicated work and donor YLACES for another generous donation.